2011年4月30日 星期六

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2011年4月24日 星期日

莊永山教授有一段窩心的感言要說給各位好友聽(Dr. Chuang has a heartfelt statement to make.)

Dear Alfred and Rosa:

I would like to thank you deeply for your great efforts.
I planned to visit the United States in July and because of this reunion
I have decided to make a date change. In order to thank you for your good jobs,
I have been practicing singing a good song, also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen,
named "The Farm of My Hometown" (故鄉的田園). I will ask my daughter to
video-tape my singing it and upload the video to the website, http://allhappy.org/,
in the category called "餘音繞樑". Please note that singing was my Achilles' heel.
In order to get rid of it, I have listened to the song more than 100 times and sang
it at least 30 times. Actually, it can be good to enjoy the tree leaf music of this song
also in the category: http://allhappy.org/success/index.htm.

Besides, I plan to listen to another good song named "心悶",
also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen, many a time, and practice
singing it for also a great number of times. I hope that I can also
sing it as well as "故鄉的田園. The lyrics of these two songs are
attached to this message for your enjoyment.

Health is of great importance, especially for us at a high age.
I am very happy that I read a very good health-related book named
"不要讓不懂營養學的醫生害了你" written by an American Ph.D medical doctor.
When you have time, you can read it for you and your family members.
I plan to write a comment on the book and have it published at http://allhappy.org.

With my best wishes,
Yuangshan ChuangDear Alfred and Rosa:

I would like to thank you deeply for your great efforts.
I planned to visit the United States in July and because of this reunion
I have decided to make a date change. In order to thank you for your good jobs,
I have been practicing singing a good song, also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen,
named "The Farm of My Hometown" (故鄉的田園). I will ask my daughter to
video-tape my singing it and upload the video to the website, http://allhappy.org/,
in the category called "餘音繞樑". Please note that singing was my Achilles' heel.
In order to get rid of it, I have listened to the song more than 100 times and sang
it at least 30 times. Actually, it can be good to enjoy the tree leaf music of this song
also in the category: http://allhappy.org/success/index.htm.

Besides, I plan to listen to another good song named "心悶",
also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen, many a time, and practice
singing it for also a great number of times. I hope that I can also
sing it as well as "故鄉的田園. The lyrics of these two songs are
attached to this message for your enjoyment.

Health is of great importance, especially for us at a high age.
I am very happy that I read a very good health-related book named
"不要讓不懂營養學的醫生害了你" written by an American Ph.D medical doctor.
When you have time, you can read it for you and your family members.
I plan to write a comment on the book and have it published at http://allhappy.org.

With my best wishes,
Yuangshan Chuang

2011年4月22日 星期五

各位同學,大家好! 2011年七月的同學會就快要到了! 好期待 趕快和大家見面相聚。Be sure to bring something special with you and share with all our classmates there. 請看一下夾帶檔中我和玫娟為你們初部安排的房間住宿分配。(住宿費用自理) 達興 敬上 (總人數已達三十七人,快要破上一次的記錄了四十二人。)


精緻四人套房: (每間每晚3200元)
1. 莊永山、高秀香、莊岳母、莊欣慈
2. 宋冬節、方麗華、郭淑媛、王華玉
3. 林玫娟、瞿 慧、林惠美、陳秀珍
4. 唐雅秋、許素華、紀淑錦、

精緻二人套房: (每晚2400元) 標準二人套房: (每晚2000元)
1. 蔡平陽夫妻 1. 王素梅夫妻
2. 李明德夫妻 2. 張文敏夫妻
3. 盧志聰夫妻 3. 張慧蘭夫妻
4. 林鏞填夫妻 4. 姜禮鴻、蔡豐源
5. 陳淑華夫妻 5. 徐金鐸
6. 陳景賢夫妻 6. 邱達興

※ 以上安排腹案,不知各位同學覺得如何? 如有異議,請跟邱達興
聯繫,我會盡量讓大家滿意。 Tel: 08-789-1835

2011年4月17日 星期日


明德夫婦、玫娟、達興、冬節、麗華、華玉、淑媛、鏞填夫婦、文敏、淑錦、志聰夫婦、金鐸、雅秋、豐源 、瞿慧、素華、惠美、禮鴻、平陽夫婦、素梅夫婦等25人

2011年4月11日 星期一

Nelson Lu tells an intereting story of parenting.

張家有五兄弟, 除了老大不願出國,另外四人都在美國。身處異鄉,兄弟特別親,甚至安排住在同一城市,好彼此有個照應,又方便寡母到各家走動。
老二是工程師、老三是律師、老四是醫生, 只有老么差些,雖然混了個碩士,卻始終對找工作提不起勁。所幸手足清深,由老二提議, 把各家的孩子送到老么那兒學中文。
反正孩子的年齡差不多, 老么夫妻又都是學文的,每個星期去兩次,
這主意確實不錯, 老么用那每月一千五百塊錢美金,不但吃住得不錯,而且買了最新的音響和電視。 尤其高興的是連生兩個娃娃,每天靠美國的社會救濟, 不但生產未花錢, 還有免費的奶粉、麥片和果汁。
幾家的孩子也都很有成績, 從小學低年級到初中, 個個能說流利的國語,使得做祖母的,跟孫子孫女毫無溝通的困難。
老大終於到了美國,但是,才下飛機,就搞得天下大亂:「這像什麼話?你們要害么弟,害到幾時?從今以後不准再給錢,也不必請么弟教小孩了!」老大生氣的說 !
幾個弟弟不敢違抗長兄的命令, 沒多久小弟就花光微薄的積蓄。
「無情無義的東西,幾年不見,怎麼沒了人性? 你們不給老么,那我把棺材本都給老么!」
老母的棺材本都給了老么,但不久就被 用完了, 老么還是得四處求助,但都在老大的威權下碰壁。
...................... 十年過去了.........................
今年 ,老人家八十大壽, 五個兒子邀請了兩百多位賓客舉行慶生酒會。
會場在當地最大的中文學校舉行, 籌備這一切的是校長 ----他就是那位么兒。
而這一切--------–若沒有十年前老大的堅持, 老么怎能在十年後當校長?
什麼是有情? 老大是: 看似無情 ,卻有情
什麼才是無情? 若張家兄弟 ,當時聽從老母的 "有情 ",最後 是幫助么弟, 還是害么弟? 為人子女若是阿諛曲從 ,可能陷親於無情 !
張家老母是:執意呵護么兒到底 ,看似有情 ,卻無情 .
(請看附件檔: 寵壞孩子的12個好方法)
《舉手之勞 》才能放心寄信與收信,謝謝您!!

2011年4月7日 星期四

Friends turn out in greater and greater numbers for this year's reunion party.

Dear 酋長:淑華通知已收到素華、惠美、禮鴻、平陽夫婦匯款,人數增加到22人,建國百年同學會越來越熱烈囉!麻煩你PO一下了,Tks!! ducky

2011年4月6日 星期三


Dear 酋長:淑華聯絡告訴我---邱達興說繳費延到4月20日,可否幫忙聯絡北區同學並po在班網上讓未繳費的同學可得知此訊息?謝謝您了!
P.S.根據淑華回報,截至目前繳費的同學已有:明德夫婦、玫娟、達興、冬節、麗華、華玉、淑媛、鏞填、文敏、淑錦、志聰夫婦、金鐸、雅秋、豐源 、瞿慧、素華、惠美、禮鴻、平陽夫婦等22人

P.S.也請芳如聯絡中區同學此一消息, 感恩