Dear Alfred and Rosa:
I would like to thank you deeply for your great efforts.
I planned to visit the United States in July and because of this reunion
I have decided to make a date change. In order to thank you for your good jobs,
I have been practicing singing a good song, also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen,
named "The Farm of My Hometown" (故鄉的田園). I will ask my daughter to
video-tape my singing it and upload the video to the website,,
in the category called "餘音繞樑". Please note that singing was my Achilles' heel.
In order to get rid of it, I have listened to the song more than 100 times and sang
it at least 30 times. Actually, it can be good to enjoy the tree leaf music of this song
also in the category:
Besides, I plan to listen to another good song named "心悶",
also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen, many a time, and practice
singing it for also a great number of times. I hope that I can also
sing it as well as "故鄉的田園. The lyrics of these two songs are
attached to this message for your enjoyment.
Health is of great importance, especially for us at a high age.
I am very happy that I read a very good health-related book named
"不要讓不懂營養學的醫生害了你" written by an American Ph.D medical doctor.
When you have time, you can read it for you and your family members.
I plan to write a comment on the book and have it published at
With my best wishes,
Yuangshan ChuangDear Alfred and Rosa:
I would like to thank you deeply for your great efforts.
I planned to visit the United States in July and because of this reunion
I have decided to make a date change. In order to thank you for your good jobs,
I have been practicing singing a good song, also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen,
named "The Farm of My Hometown" (故鄉的田園). I will ask my daughter to
video-tape my singing it and upload the video to the website,,
in the category called "餘音繞樑". Please note that singing was my Achilles' heel.
In order to get rid of it, I have listened to the song more than 100 times and sang
it at least 30 times. Actually, it can be good to enjoy the tree leaf music of this song
also in the category:
Besides, I plan to listen to another good song named "心悶",
also a poem by Prof. Ming-Jen Chen, many a time, and practice
singing it for also a great number of times. I hope that I can also
sing it as well as "故鄉的田園. The lyrics of these two songs are
attached to this message for your enjoyment.
Health is of great importance, especially for us at a high age.
I am very happy that I read a very good health-related book named
"不要讓不懂營養學的醫生害了你" written by an American Ph.D medical doctor.
When you have time, you can read it for you and your family members.
I plan to write a comment on the book and have it published at
With my best wishes,
Yuangshan Chuang