這是在石門水庫後山"湖畔咖啡"(Lakeside Cafe)攝影的!
(Cindy Song): Chief,你超fit的,小腹夠平坦,有沒有六塊肌?你的上衣也非常fashionable喔!會賺錢,又懂得享受人生,很大器!
(Medoli 提到): oops! Who's this handsome rich humourous generous energetic guy? (I can go on and on and on...)
ㄚ~就~吃人嘴軟咩~ ^-^酋長夫人
酋長那兩天一直一直誇妳給我們聽 真的不下五次耶 妳這輩子值得了
1 個意見:
oops! Who's this handsome rich humourous generous energetic guy? (I can go on and on and on...)
ㄚ~就~吃人嘴軟咩~ ^-^
酋長那兩天一直一直誇妳給我們聽 真的不下五次耶 妳這輩子值得了
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