華玉responds to Medoli's philosophy on marriage.
華玉 提到...
是喔 一個永遠聊不完的話題
Medoli, 找到了出口和方向
我 比較鴕鳥啦 總是提醒自己---"莫忘初衷" 就這樣走走停停 跌跌撞撞 感覺達到飽和時 行囊背起飛出去 忘了我是誰的流浪幾天 回來又一個輪迴 Oh! OH! 也還可以啦
櫻花樹下真該去走走 躺躺 這是上帝給人的禮物 別獨厚日本人
華玉Medoli 提到...
A big hug to 華玉,我大學裡的偶像美女,
終於把妳引出來發聲了! 哈~哈~
In youth, we learn; in age we understand.
Me and Cindy both agree we're gonna be ageing "gracefully". And you?
Oscar Wilde says, "To live well is the best revenge"
Medoli says, "If you can live well for yourself, no revenge needed at all"!
See~ Western and oriental have totally different perspective about life~